Guard Up is an application that allows the user lower their guard. It
takes care of the hard work by tracking the user's location and level of
safety by allowing the user to send a pre-written message to emergency
The goal of this application was to create a single interface that
prioritized the user's safety without compromising their private data.
Before starting the project, We had to figure out if anyone would use it
and what they wanted out of it. We decided to narrow our target audience
to females attending the University of Texas at Dallas who were between
the ages of 18 and 22 because this application was being made for those
who lived or were on campus for the majority of the day.
To gain some insight, here's what we asked:
Do you feel safe on campus?
What do you use or what do you do in order to feel safe on campus?
The majority of the participants said they walked with friends while few
carried a weapon to protect themselves with.
Do you know of any safety apps?
Would you ever use a safety app?
What features would you like to see in a safety app?
The majority of the participants said they wanted live location
tracking, an alarm, and the ability to call police.
Our goals with the design were to keep it simple while keeping the most
important and essential features to find.
In our final design we took away most of the screens because there was
no need to have separate screens for each function. We also simplified
the design with a simple navy, white, and red color scheme. We also took
away the login and register screens due to a concern for data privacy.